The short answer? Yes. Cannabis seeds are a popular commodity among many growers and enthusiasts, but their sale and purchase can be complicated due to the legal status of cannabis in many parts of the world. As a result, high-risk cannabis seed payment processing has become a challenge for businesses and consumers alike. Since the seed at the time of sale, does not contain an end product with > .3% THC – it is technically not considered illegal.

In the muddy waters of compliance – and when determining whether a product is legal, you’ll want to look at the findings for THC. If the percentage is 0.3% or below, then the product meets all legal regulations. If a product has a reading higher than 0.3%, or if a product doesn’t have a COA available, it’s best to steer clear. Remember the term COA (Certificate of Analysis) – this will be extremely useful if you are looking in to cannabis seed (or any other cannabis related product) payment processing.

The DEA has most recently stated and made clear that “any seed, tissue culture, or other genetic material that has a delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of no more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis meets the definition of ‘hemp’ and is not controlled under the CSA.”

With this in mind, cannabis seeds are still widely considered high-risk by major processors. Traditional payment processors such as Visa and Mastercard do not typically support cannabis-related transactions due to legal and regulatory concerns. As a result, many businesses in the marijuana industry have turned to alternative payment processors that specialize in high-risk transactions, like Primo Payments.

However, not all high-risk payment processors are created equal, and it is important to do your due diligence when selecting a provider. Some payment processors may charge exorbitant fees or have high transaction limits, while others may have a history of fraudulent activity or poor customer service. It is important to carefully research potential providers to ensure they are legitimate and trustworthy.

Another challenge with high-risk marijuana seed payment processing is ensuring that transactions are secure and private. With cannabis still illegal in many places, there is a risk of transactions being intercepted or traced by authorities. As a result, many payment processors in the marijuana industry have implemented advanced security measures such as encryption and secure payment gateways to protect customer data.

Overall, high-risk marijuana seed payment processing can be a complex and challenging process for both businesses and consumers. However, with careful research and selection of a reputable and reliable payment processor, it is possible to securely and discreetly purchase marijuana seeds online.

Want to talk with a payment and compliance expert? Contact us here!